Vardhanthi Celebrations Day 4 – 22th November 2012
Day 4 of the Vardhanthi Celebrations had some very different homams and pujas being performed. The day started with Sri Maha Ganapathi Homam, followed by Sri Shirdi Sai Mulamantra Parayanamand Ashtothram and Sri Satya Sai Mulamantra Parayanam and Astothram. Sri Kubera Homam was performed next. The morning concluded with Poornahuthi, Mangala Aarthi and Anna danam.

The evening festivities started with Sai Bhajans sung by Sai Krupa Bhajan Team.
This was followed by a Violin concert by “Thaantri Naadhamani” Kum.Athira Krishna (Guinness World Record Holder). Athira and the accompanying artists kept the audience swaying in devotion, keeping in pace with her excellent, soul-stirring rendition. The event came to an end with Annadanam and Mangala Arathi.